5G technology

5G Technology and its Impact on the Global Economy

The revolutionary changes and impact of the fourth industrial revolution will be wholly realized through the wide-scale deployment of 5G technology in communication networks.

Unlike the past generations of mobile networks, 5G will not be defined as one form of technology. Many refer to it as the ‘networks of networks’ since it brings together existing and innovative standards. 5G is beyond a simple performance increase. It’s set to introduce a new set of uses. From speedy mobile broadband without the need for landlines, automated ‘smart’ factories, car-to-car communication to holographic technology, 5G is the stepping stone of many future technologies.

By 2023, experts estimate that over one billion users will have access to 5G technology, boasting speeds as high as 500Mbps to 1Gbps, pushing the data transfer capabilities and other connectivity solutions to a new level—and more.

Here are more of the predicted impacts of 5G to the global economy.

Support Growth Across Different Industries

Experts estimate that by 2035, 5G related services will be worth over $12 trillion, ranging from improved mobile broadband to IoT advancements.

However, like with other technologies, it’s still bound to malfunction sometimes. Due to the massive figure estimation of people transitioning to 5G technology, franchising smartphone repair businesses can be a great idea. But despite the initial issues that 5G may face, its impact is much more significant than past network generations—extending beyond the mobile network niche into different unrelated industries like retail and the automotive sectors.

From establishing remote robotic surgery to enhancing crop and livestock management, 5G is believed to disrupt the world’s biggest industries, including insurance, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, healthcare, education, cloud computing, and more.

Generate More Jobs

The 5G value chain, including operators, app developers, content creators, and consumers, is thought to generate a revenue of over $3.5 trillion by 2035 and support more than 22 million jobs. Moreover, many new applications are to be defined in the future—posing the potential of expanding the whole ‘5G effect’ to the economy to greater heights.

woman smiling

Extends Telecom Networks to Rural or Remote Areas

Thanks to the advancements of 5G technology, there’s no need to conduct major construction or involvement of the company to power their future telecom infrastructure. All operations are expected to be ‘wireless’ or managed through remote cloud-based controls. This factor significantly lowers the costs, making it more practical and cost-effective for telecom providers to install 5G in urban and rural areas.

Benefit Business of All Kinds

Thanks to the features and wireless operations that 5G provides, it offers many benefits for businesses of all sizes. These include turning mobile into ‘general-purpose technology,’ improved productivity, seamless remote working operations, rural innovation, tailored networks, flexible office spaces, and lower costs.

Transform Machinery for the Better

The benefits of a quicker and more reliable 5G network paves the way to a massive step forward in connectivity for most sectors, opening up an excellent potential in the construction industry for processing mobile data, impacting the ways machines communicate and interact. The network is crucial in giving the infrastructure needed to create autonomous machines, meaning self-operating construction machines that can recognize signals, map areas more accurately, and communicate with each other is no longer a mere idea.

5G will inevitably bring many advantages to businesses of all sizes, but remember that it won’t happen overnight. However, if 5G delivers, it can become the foundation for the fourth industrial revolution—where everything is connected and digitized, advancing existing industries and creating new ones—providing more opportunities for everyone.

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