Assistive Technology Helping Students With Limitations

Limitations come in all shapes and sizes. Some students have physical limitations that prevent them from being able to write, while others have cognitive limitations that make it difficult for them to process information. But there is one common thread among all students with constraints: the right technology can help them overcome their challenges and be successful in school.

As technology advances, more and more tools become available to assist people with special needs — these are called assistive technology. There are many types of assistive technology, but some of the most common are:

Smart glasses

Statistics have shown that nearly three percent of children are blind or have a visual impairment. It can make it difficult for them to see the blackboard or read a book. Luckily, scientists were able to develop a solution in the form of smart glasses.

These special glasses have a camera that relays images to a display in front of the user’s eye. It allows children with visual impairments to see what is happening around them and participate more fully in class. Today, smart glasses specialize in the loss of peripheral vision, central vision, and even color vision.

So, if your child has trouble seeing, talk to their doctor or teacher about whether smart glasses could help them in school. It could make all the difference in their academic career.

Voice recognition software

Cognitive limitations can make it difficult for students to process information and remember what they have learned. One way to help them is with voice recognition software. This software allows users to control their computers using only their voice.

For example, a student could use voice recognition software to take notes in class or write a paper. The software would type out everything the student said, making it much easier for them to keep up with their work. And since the software is constantly improving, it is becoming more and more accurate, making it an increasingly helpful tool for students with cognitive limitations.

You can now download voice recognition software for free, so there is no excuse not to try it out if you think it could help your child. So, why not give it a shot? It just might help your child succeed in school.

Hearing aids

An estimated two to three out of every 1,000 children are born with a hearing impairment. It can make school very difficult, as they may miss out on essential instructions or not be able to participate in class discussions. Hearing aids can help mitigate this by amplifying sound and making it easier for children to hear.

a female student holding a tablet device while listening using a headphone

Some hearing aids also have special features, like connecting to a smartphone or computer. It allows parents and teachers to customize the sound settings for each child, making it easier for them to hear in different environments.

Although hearing aids have come a long way, they are still quite expensive. But many organizations provide financial assistance for families who need help paying for them. It means that no child should have to go without this vital tool.

Computer accessibility software

This software allows students with physical limitations to use a computer. Typical examples are on-screen keyboards, screen readers, and alternative input devices.

On-screen keyboards are virtual keyboards that appear on the screen. It allows accessibility for students who cannot use a traditional keyboard because of physical limitations. Screen readers are software programs that read text aloud. They can help students who are blind or have a visual impairment.

On the other hand, alternative input devices are special devices that allow users to control a computer without using a traditional mouse or keyboard. These include trackballs, joysticks, and switches. It helps students who have difficulty using their hands.

There is a wide range of computer accessibility software available, so there is sure to be something that can help your child. And best of all, many of these programs are available for free. So, there is no excuse not to try them out. Who knows? They might make all the difference for your child.

Technology has come a long way in recent years and revolutionized special education. While assistive technology can take many forms, its ultimate goal is always to help people with limitations live more independently. Many tools are now available to help students with disabilities succeed in school. So, if your child is struggling, don’t hesitate to talk to their doctor or teacher about whether assistive technology could help. It just might be the key to unlocking their potential. What’s more, much of this technology is now available for free. So, there is no excuse not to try it out.

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