Benefits of In-person Learning

The pandemic compelled schools in Singapore to shift to online classes to prevent the spread of the virus. Even after over a year since the health crisis started, schools in the island-state are still cautious about the entire situation.

While in-person classes are being held, the Ministry of Education implemented limitations to the number of people who can join these lectures. It also released guidelines for outdoor mask-off activities of the students. All schools and universities also had to follow community safe management measures (SMM) to protect students’ health.

While online learning has become popular in recent years, in-person learning still offers several benefits for the students, especially when it comes to courses requiring students to work on specialized equipment in the school. Here are some benefits that the students can get when they join in-person learning opportunities.

Less Distraction

When the students attend in-person classes, they have lesser distractions compared to attending online classes at home. They can concentrate on their lessons and focus on the discussions of their teacher. They will not hear any barking dogs, ringing phones, or a car alarm in the background. The students also have a dedicated area where they can listen to the lessons.

Additionally, the limited number of students in the lecture hall allows them to stay away from their classmates. This allows them to stay safe from the virus and avoid any unnecessary discussions with their seatmates.

Better Academic Development

Students’ academic development will also improve as they receive the support they need to attend in-person classes. Studies have shown that students learn better when they attend in-person classes. Direct personalized learning experiences allow the students to stay focused and avoid falling behind in class.

Even as some online classes allow students to learn, it may not be true for everyone since the teacher may find it challenging to monitor all the students through a small screen. And the students can turn off their screens, which makes it even more challenging for the teacher to check the students’ progress.

Additionally, the students can collaborate on special projects when they attend in-person classes. They can participate in hands-on work together with their peers, which allows them to learn more. It also allows them to ask questions from their teachers directly while in the class.


Hands-On Learning

In-person classes also facilitate hands-on learning among the students. Students learn in different ways. Some learn by taking detailed notes, while others are visual learners. Some students also learn through experience. And some lessons require the students to have hands-on experience to learn better. These lessons can include fixing machines or working on servers.

When students attend in-person classes, they have a better opportunity to participate in hands-on lessons. Hands-on learning is also necessary for students attending work and study programs since they need to learn the basics of their jobs once they graduate. The best way for them to learn is by performing it in front of their instructors, who can immediately provide the necessary corrections in their work. This allows the students to learn more since learning by doing is among the best ways to learn.

Even as hands-on learning is essential for some lessons, schools and universities should safeguard the health of the students by implementing SMMs. Implementing these measures ensure that the students can learn through experience and stay safe from the virus, especially the more transmissible delta variant.

Interpersonal Development

Learning is not limited to academic education. Sometimes the students have to develop meaningful relationships with their peers and teachers. This allows them to develop their personality, which is essential once they enter the corporate world.

Developing the personality of the student can be challenging if they attend online classes. This makes it essential for the student to attend in-person classes since he will interact with his classmates in the school. They can engage in meaningful conversations and even have safe activities together. This allows the students to fill their need to belong to a group.

Online classes do not require face-to-face interaction between the teacher and the student. Since the assignments are posted online, they may not even interact with other students. Due to this, the students have to attend in-person classes to interact with each other. This allows them to build their interpersonal skills. They can interact either during the class or after the class.

In-person classes offer a lot of benefits for students for their academic and interpersonal development. While it can be challenging with the current health crisis, it is still possible if everyone follows proper health protocols when attending in-person classes in Singapore.

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