How Businesses Are Using Eco-friendly Tech to Build a Millennial-friendly Brand

Tech use is inevitable in business. Entrepreneurs make use of different technologies to ensure brand efficiency and productivity. Aside from these perks, different brands also leverage tech to ensure their business is millennial-friendly. But what do millennials want in the first place?

Millennials are today’s largest consumer cohort. They want brands to be more transparent in their business process. They want brands to be more socially responsible for both the community and the environment.

Millennials are known as advocates for the environment. They long for businesses to take extra steps in protecting and saving the planet. In a nutshell, they want brands to be more sustainable and environment-friendly.

The good news is, businesses can now take advantage of many tech innovations to better accommodate the preferences of millennial consumers. Here are some examples of eco-friendly tech used by different millennial-friendly brands.

Soil Remediation

Energy needs and demands continue to grow all around the globe. Emerging market economies and population growth are two factors contributing to such demands. The problem is, this greatly contributes to carbon footprint reproduction.

To help create a circular carbon economy, companies came up with ways to reduce carbon footprint while meeting the demand for energy production. Many are turning to soil remediation to retrieve hydrocarbons from contaminated soil. This makes it possible to remediate oil spills without using water and releasing no harmful particles into the atmosphere.

In the Middle East, soil remediation is the go-to solution in creating clean water and soil. Companies specializing in soil remediation, such as Vivakor, recover crude oil from polluted soils. This eradicates the need for oil companies to drill new oil wells.

Carbon Capture

Many industries, including farming, manufacturing, and the automotive industry, are major contributors to global greenhouse emissions. We need to remember that we find carbon in trees, oil, and coal. But then, activities involved in many industries include destroying rainforests.

Cutting and burning trees release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. What experts did was to find ways to capture emitted carbon dioxide from the air. They use carbon capture plants that make use of giant fans to suck and direct air in specialized facilities.

The said facilities are often located next to power plants that burn fossil fuels. A carbon capture plant has zero net output. As power plants emit carbon dioxide into the air, carbon capture plants will separate carbon from other gases.

Lab-grown Meat

lab grown meat

Many eco-conscious consumers are looking for meat alternatives as part of their diet. They want everybody to know how damaging the meat industry can be to the environment. According to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IME), producing one kilogram of meat requires up to 20,000 liters of water.

Just imagine how much water the meat industry needs to use just to supply meat to consumers. This is why experts are turning to meat alternatives. One of which is plant-based meat grown in food labs.

Experts are now able to grow both fish and meat in food labs. They make use of cell samples from animals and treat extracted stem cells into a bioreactor. The bioreactor acts as an artificial womb, supporting tissue growth until they can attach these to a scaffold mesh and form 3D fillets and steaks.

Meat alternatives help shrink the carbon footprint associated with meat production. There is no need to waste tons of resources just to raise animals and harvest their meat. This means we get to save millions of acres of land, water, and feeds.

Regenerative Agriculture

Aside from meat alternatives, experts found a way to reduce carbon emissions through regenerative agriculture. Such practice encourages plant and soil health. This helps reduce the need for fertilizer and pesticide use, making it easier to grow crops while reducing carbon emissions.

Regenerative agriculture is fully automated. The process is retrofitted to rapidly screen ingredients to maximize crop production. We can consider certain practices to be regenerative, like the following.

  • Composting
  • Waste reduction
  • Animal integration, pasturing, and managed grazing
  • Conservative tillage
  • Plant and crop diversity, rotation, and cover cropping

The Regenerative Organic Certification is a system not federally regulated. It prioritizes animal welfare, health, and social fairness. Evidence shows that regenerative agriculture has the ability to maintain crop yields.

According to a founder and managing partner from Farmland LP, regenerative can aid in creating positive changes. This can address food supply issues, water supply wastage, and carbon and climate change. This also enables businesses to enjoy better financial returns while contributing to desertification.

This goes to show how tech innovations are revolutionizing the way businesses embrace their environmental corporate responsibility. This is dependent on the tech innovations available to numerous industries. The more brands embracing such technologies, the more positive impact they will have on the environment. This also helps them entice millennial consumers to trust and turn to their brand.

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