person in a wheelchair going up the ramp

How Much Should You Spend To Create A Wheelchair-Accessible Home?

The national average price of modifying a house to become a wheelchair-accessible place costs between $851 and $8,456, although it may be possible to spend up to $20,000 depending on certain factors.

These include your desired upgrades and features from a wheelchair-friendly bathroom to stairchairs. In Utah, home owners should expect to spend around $1,831 on average for adding a wheelchair ramp. The actual cost may be more or less expensive based on your chosen materials, aside from the cost of labor and complexity of installation.

Identify Crucial Areas

Points of entry, doors and bathrooms are some of the first few things that you need to consider when remodeling your home for disabled household members. Among these upgrades include wheelchair ramps, which should be installed based on the Americans with Disabilities Act’s guidelines. Hence, your chosen contractor should be familiar with these standards.

For instance, doorways and other entrances should be at least 32 inches wide to allow entry of all wheelchair types. You need to change locks and knobs that are easy to open for handicapped people. Doors that close automatically shouldn’t be an option, since it can be difficult for the person to maneuver their chair when coming in or out.

Choosing Wheelchair Ramps

Some of the common options for ramps consist of aluminum, concrete and wooden materials. Aluminum ramps cost around $150 per linear foot, while wood and concrete cost at least $100 and $200 per linear foot, respectively. Each materials has its pros and cons aside from the price difference. Choose an aluminum ramp if you need a corrosion-resistant and durable materials, although take note that it can bend and wobble occasionally.

Likewise, wooden ramps require regular maintenance to prevent decay. You could install it by yourself, which saves money from hiring an installer. However, you need to make sure that it won’t be slippery by finishing it with a sanding material. On the other hand, concrete is a good choice for permanent ramps, and it is the same reason why you should think carefully if you really want to install one, since it can be difficult to remove once you need a replacement.

mother accompanying daughter in a wheelchair

Handicap-Friendly Bathrooms

The bathroom is arguably the most important place to modify when you live with disabled persons, as it can be challenging for them to use it whenever necessary. Grab bars and shower seats are definitely required to avoid slips and fall, but making extra precautions to make slip-proof floors. This can increase the price if you need to remodel your bathroom completely, but there are some ways to reduce expenses.

If the handicapped person has Medicare or Medicaid, it may cover some of the expenses of a bathroom remodel. You need to check with the Utah-based program to find out more about eligibility. In some cases, grants are provided when deemed necessary by a doctor.


When choosing a professional installer, be sure to compare prices by asking for quotes from as many contractors as possible. How much are you willing to spend for a disabled-friendly home?

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