25 Summer Activities for Your Kids

Summer is just around the corner, and soon parents will be scrambling to keep their kids occupied. Summer can be a wonderful time for children, but it can also lead to boredom if they are not kept busy. Here are some activities that will occupy your child’s free time this year.

Things Your Kids Can Do in Summer

1. Go swimming.

Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and have some fun. You can go to the beach, a lake, or even a public pool.

2. Play in the sprinkler.

That is a classic summer activity that kids never seem to tire of. Set up the sprinkler in the yard and let them run through it to cool off.

3. Have a water balloon fight.

Water balloon fights are always fun, no matter how old you are. Fill up some water balloons and let the fun begin.

4. Go fishing.

Fishing is a great way to spend some time outdoors. You can go to a pond, lake, or even the ocean.

5. Get guitar lessons.

If your kid is musically inclined, online guitar lessons will let them play their favorite pop tunes soon. You can rent guitars cheaply, and online classes are very affordable.

playing acoustic guitar

6. Learn to cook and bake.

Cooking and baking are valuable skills that all children should learn. This summer, have them help you in the kitchen and teach them some basic recipes starting with those they love.

7. Make homemade ice cream.

Making ice cream is a fun activity that kids will love. And, they’ll get to eat the results of their labor!

8. Make homemade pizzas.

Making pizzas is a fun activity that the whole family can enjoy. Let everyone choose their toppings and then bake the pizzas in the oven.

9. Set up a small business.

That is the perfect time for kids to get entrepreneurial. They can set up a lemonade stand, car wash, or pet-sitting business. They can also sell cookies that they baked.

10. Plant a garden.

That is an excellent activity for kids of all ages. They can help you plant the seeds and then watch them grow over the summer.

11. Visit a farm.

If you have a farm nearby, it can be a fun place to visit. Kids can see the animals and learn about where their food comes from.

12. Go camping.

Camping is a great way to spend time together as a family, and it’s also very inexpensive. Pitch a tent in the backyard or go to a nearby campground.

13. Go on a nature hike.

Getting some fresh air and exercise is always a good idea. Take your kids on walks around the neighborhood or go on hikes in the woods. A nature hike is a great way to explore the outdoors, and it’s also a great workout. Look for a hiking trail near you and hit the trail with your family.

14. Ride bikes together.

Riding bikes is a great way to spend time with your kids, and it’s also good exercise. Go for a bike ride around the block or to the park.

15. Have a picnic.

Picnics are always welcome, especially in the summer. Pack up some food and head to the park for a picnic lunch and an afternoon of fun. It’s a great way to enjoy the summer weather and spend some time together as a family.

16. Go to an amusement park.

If you have an amusement park nearby, it can be a great place to spend the day. Kids will love riding the rides and playing games.

17. Go to the zoo.

If you have a zoo nearby, it makes for a great day trip. Kids will love seeing all the animals and learning about them.

18. Go stargazing.

If you live in an area with little light pollution, stargazing can be a great summer activity. Lay down a blanket and look up at the stars together.

19. Play tourist for a day.

If you live in a city, there’s probably a lot you haven’t seen yet. Be tourists for a day, walk around, visit museums, and eat at new restaurants.

20. Visit the library.

The library is a great place to take your kids in the summer. They can get books to read, and there are usually many activities for kids going on as well.

21. Have a scavenger hunt.

Scavenger hunts are always fun, no matter where you are. You can hide things around the house or yard for your kids to find.

22. Play tag.

This classic game can be played anywhere, no matter how big or small your yard is. It’s a great way to get some exercise too.

23. Build a fort.

Forts can be built inside or outside, depending on where you have space. Let your kids use their imaginations and build the perfect fort.

24. Do some crafts together.

Crafting is a great way to spend time together, and it’s also a way to make some new decorations for your kids’ bedrooms.

25. Have a movie marathon.

Pick out some of your family’s favorite movies and have a marathon. Make some popcorn and settle in for a day of watching movies together.

Have Fun in the Sun

Summer is an excellent opportunity to get active and have fun with your family, especially with your kids. The activities listed here will help you keep them busy and entertained all summer long. You may not even have time to do all of them before school starts again, so make your kids choose which ones to do first.

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