Commercial landscape

Commercial Landscaping Improves Your Business Performance

A well-maintained landscape strengthens the image of your brand and business, while an unattractive and poorly maintained one can hurt your business and your reputation. With the help of a commercial landscaping service in Albany, you can create the proper image for your business.

The first impression you create can make or break your business. People will tend to avoid a property with grounds that look unkempt and abandoned for safety and sanity reasons. That can mean that you have to contend with a declining customer base and dwindling profit margins.  A custom landscape, on the other hand, rolls out the welcome mat for your clients.

Increases the Value of Your Property

In addition to drawing more people to your property, beautiful landscaping, especially in a concrete jungle, increases the value of your property. Sharp gardens improve the appearance of your premises but can also add tens of thousands of dollars in profit. Unlike design concepts that go out of style and exterior finishing that wears out, a garden blooms with age. Your yard will grow more robust and beautiful with the passing years.

By keeping your grounds looking resplendent, you can increase the value of your property between 5.5 and 12.7 percent. That works to about $55,000 and $127,000 appreciating on a $1 million estate. That, of course, means that you’ve picked the best type of grass, shrubs, and trees to keep your grounds looking good.

Creates an Economic Advantage

Ostentatious landscaping gives your premises and edge in the business world. Most people are willing to a business premise with neat and attractive gardens. The beautiful lawns have a calming and relaxing effect on people.

Creating such an effect on your property entices a lot more people to come over, especially in an urban setting. It means that people can feel like going to the park when getting their groceries and shopping. A beautiful garden in full bloom attracts birds and butterflies, creating a serene haven for anyone looking for a slice of nature.

The cooling effect that comes with expansive green lawns can help lower your energy bills. These savings will more than make up for the cost of creating a lush garden on your property.

 Helps Attract and Retain Tenants

Lawn with water sprinkler

Businesses often strive to get the best value for money, and having beautiful grounds makes your premises quite attractive to them. Such a premise will help build a positive first impression on their clientele. It means that their offices will exude an air of professionalism and capability.

That is an excellent win for companies playing in competitive sectors. The green scenery that results is great for the mental well-being of their employees. That means you can lower tenants’ turnover rates and command great rental prices.

In the end, landscaping enhances the appearance of your premises. It helps your customers think that they are in the right place. Well-layered designs can help improve the value of your property. If you need help, seek the advice of professional landscaping services.

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